Kin Sail

Childcare Support

Unlocking Healthy Futures: Encouraging Physical Activity in Early Years

How to keep the kids as active possible

Physical activity stands as a cornerstone in a child's growth and development. Especially in the formative early years, fostering an environment that actively promotes movement and physical engagement sets the stage for a healthy and vibrant future. Here's our 10 tips on starting your child's physical activity on the right track.

1. Start Young, Start Active:

The foundation of an active lifestyle begins early. Right from the very beginning, encourage your little one to move, explore, and engage in physical activities. Encouraging early movement aids in the development of essential motor skills and strengthens bones and muscles.

2. Let Play Lead the Way:

Play is not just fun; it’s a primary method of learning for young children. It's through play that they learn about their bodies, the space around them, and develop coordination. Embrace play as a tool for physical development. Whether it's crawling, jumping, climbing, or simply rolling on the floor, every movement contributes to their physical well-being.

3. Outdoor Adventures:

Nature is an incredible playground! Take your child outdoors to parks, playgrounds, or even your own backyard. Activities like running, hopping, jumping, and exploring nature provide an excellent opportunity for physical engagement. The open space not only encourages movement but also stimulates their senses and creativity.

4. Dance and Move:

Music and dance are magical when it comes to promoting physical activity. Put on some music and have a dance party at home. Encourage your child to move freely, express themselves, and have fun. It's not only a great workout but also a fantastic way to bond.

5. Active Storytelling:

Storytelling can be made even more engaging by incorporating physical activity. Act out stories, use expressive movements, or encourage role-playing to get those little bodies moving. This not only stimulates their imagination but also encourages physical involvement.

6. Encourage Variety:

Offer a variety of activities. From riding a bike, playing catch, or kicking a ball, providing diverse options caters to their interests and allows them to explore various forms of physical activity. Variety keeps them engaged and excited.

7. Be a Role Model:

Children often mimic what they see. Be an active role model by engaging in physical activities yourself. Go for walks, bike rides, or involve them in your exercise routine. This not only promotes physical fitness but also establishes healthy habits by setting an example.

8. Limit Screen Time:

In a world dominated by screens, it's crucial to strike a balance. Limit screen time and encourage active play. Engaging in physical activities rather than prolonged screen exposure fosters healthier habits and ensures a more active lifestyle.

9. Celebrate Milestones:

Acknowledge and celebrate achievements in physical activities. Applaud their efforts and improvements, boosting their confidence and motivation. Recognition of their progress instills a sense of accomplishment, encouraging them to continue being active.

10. Safety First:

While encouraging physical activity, ensure safety precautions are in place. Utilise appropriate gear, create safe environments for their explorations, and supervise their play. Safety is paramount in fostering a positive and secure environment for their physical activities.

Encouraging physical activity in the early years is more than just about keeping children active; it's about instilling lifelong healthy habits. By making movement fun, accessible, and an integral part of their daily routine, we lay the foundation for strong, active, and resilient individuals!

This extended blog aims to delve deeper into the significance of physical activity in early childhood and provides additional insights and practical tips for parents and caregivers to actively incorporate active play into a child's daily routine.